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Welcome, Women of Bayer


Google ‘menopause’ and a parade of sites promoting over-the-counter and prescription menopause treatments marches across the screen. Now that younger Gen X and older Millennial women openly discuss their bodies—unlike their moms—they’ve become sales targets for marketers of lubricants, supplements, anti-aging creams, and hormone prescriptions.​​

What’s more, medical doctors, psychologists, coaches—even women with no medical background whatsoever—are flooding the internet with advice on everything from hot flashes to loss of libido.


Menopause is becoming BIG business. Suddenly the universe is overrun with experts.

If only that was really the case...

The medical community, in fact, has largely neglected the health of women in midlife for over two decades. Medical schools have given short shrift to the subject, and healthcare providers have shrugged off women’s menopause-related concerns as perfectly normal signs of aging. Learn why below.

Internet searches may help locate a capable plumber. They won’t help find a healthcare provider with the experience, knowledge, and wisdom to truly understand and treat a woman’s concerns once her childbearing years have ended.


Every woman needs the finest health advice and guidance available as she enters the period putting her at greater risk for heart attack, brittle bones, droopy skin, or thinning hair. Even then, she shouldn’t solely rely on doctors to control her treatment during this new stage of life.

Every woman must advocate for her own healthcare by getting smart, too.

With that in mind, welcome to M.D. For You, devoted solely to educating you about the most important transition in your life.

Two years in the making, the consortium of 24 of the nation’s consummate midlife women’s healthcare practitioners will lead a LIVE program like nothing else on the internet.


What you’ll learn in the following Master Classes is more than what most medical schools teach their students today about women in midlife. 


A force in women’s healthcare, Bayer is resolutely committed to expanding menopause education so mid-age women receive the optimal healthcare they’ve missed for decades. What better group of women to start educating than you—Bayer’s own vital workforce?


Click around the site to...

A portrait of Dr. Seibel with his book


The Menopause Masters

Their collective knowledge, experience, and passion are second to none.
That's a fact!

a woman using her bed to row through water


The Menopause Classes

Packed with more info than med students get in 4 years about the health of women in midlife.

A woman staring at a plate of cookies


The Menopause Matters

Fact-based, up-to-date content reflecting a phenomenal wealth of research, wisdom and guidance.

We’re honored M.D. For You was chosen to work with Bayer’s most valuable assets: Women! We look forward to meeting you.


To your health!

Dr. James Simon, Geri Brin

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