Dr. Becky Lynn
City Place 5
845 N. New Ballas Ct., Suite 310
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
314-934 0551
Helping women find solutions to uncomfortable problems in a comfortable environment by reimagining the doctor-patient relationship as one of respect, empathy, and empowerment. Building healthcare on conversation, not just on medication, and focusing treatment on overall wellness, not just on symptoms. Creating a personalized, holistic care plan that meets each patient’s healthcare goals.
“Five years after their last menstrual period, many women will develop vaginal dryness, and they don’t know that it’s related to the menopause. Women know that hot flashes are connected to menopause, and they talk about it, but the whole vaginal thing is hush, hush.
“Women don’t know what’s wrong with them. They feel broken and they feel bad. They’re so reassured and relieved to know it’s menopause. Yep, it’s your ovaries’ fault. That’s just what happens, but there are many safe options that do a really good job restoring the use of the vagina.”