Dr. Holly L. Thacker
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue
A10 Cleveland, OH 44195
Educating women to make informed decisions about health, well-being and personal safety for themselves and their families.
“Starting in your late 40's, you should probably have a yearly blood test to determine your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level."
“FSH stimulates ovarian follicles to expand and produce estrogen, but as a woman ages, the number of follicles decreases and estrogen levels decline. FSH production continues, however, and consistently high levels help confirm whether you’ve gone into menopause."
“Even if you don’t have obvious symptoms such as hot flashes, half of menopausal women lose bone, and up to 80 percent can have vaginal and bladder changes. Knowing you’ve entered menopause will help you determine how to best protect your health.”