Dr. Jessica Krant
323 East 34 Street
New York, NY 10016
Treating the relevant skin issues women face starting in their mid-forties, including dark flat spot (lentigines); rough raised growths (Seborrheic Keratosis); skin tags; thinning ‘crepey skin”; dynamic and static wrinkles; duller skin; volume loss and facial sagging; sagging/lumping/cellulite in the body.
“Every day I try to make sure I’m maxing out on fiber because soluble fiber (the fiber that the microbes in our gut like to eat) and insoluble fiber (fiber we can’t digest) work together to remove inflammation and toxins and give us a healthy gut balance so that our entire body from the inside out- including our skin - gets the healthiest. And our skin glows!
“About 80 percent of the food and calories we eat should have fiber, including brightly colored fruits like blueberries and strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower and kale.”